In Prayer (VIP)
...pray without ceasing (1 Thess 5:16-17)
We, as vessels, gather to worship, pray, and fast as a of dwelling with God Almighty.
Our vision is to activate the priesthood in all Christians who are consecrated to a lifestyle of prayer, worship, fasting, and a burning desire to walk and dwell with God.We join hands together to seek the face of the Lord. Our charge is simple, "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Join Us
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Prayer Request
There is power in corporate prayer. Our confidence and assurance are in GOD. Share your prayer request with us, and we will bring it before God in prayer with you.
Warriors AT WoRK
We have received your prayer request and we will get to work soon. Be assured we are praying for and with you.